
Porter`s 5 Forces Analysis


Porter`s 5 Forces Analysis is a market analysis tool that allows you to identify your competitive rivalry by analyzing your buyers, sellers, and competitors. With the five forces model, you can quickly analyze each of these areas, identify what your rivals have in common, and assess how your offerings differ.


Identify your Competitive Rivalry by analyzing buyer, seller powers, and threats

Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis helps you understand your competitive environment by identifying your rival’s strength, power, proximity and position. Using a visual analytical framework, the software is able to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a target company based on the Porter’s 5 Forces model. .

  • Fully editable in PowerPoint (shapes, icons, mockup, etc.)
  • 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts (FULL HD!)
  • Slide transition animation
  • 20 unique slides  for both theme (+master slides)
  • Up to 2 pre-made themes (light & dark)
  • Devices mockup
  • Image placeholder

What`s inside the package

  • Colored-Light theme template with 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts
  • Colored-Dark theme template with 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts


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