Financial Group Performance
Ksh3,563.66 Ksh1,347.31
The Financial Group Performance Presentation allows you to present your financial results in a variety of ways. You can present the data using a line graph, column graph, pie chart, bar graph, and table. You can also include information about the trends in your company’s performance.
Highlight your gains and lay out the strategy for a better financial future
The Financial Group Performance Presentation helps your team present a clear picture of the business’s financial performance by highlighting its key figures and strategies. It is designed to help you share the information you need with your colleagues. With an easy-to-read chart, you can quickly compare the performance of your company to that of other businesses.
- Fully editable in PowerPoint (shapes, icons, mockup, etc.)
- 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts (FULL HD!)
- Slide transition animation
- 20 unique slides for both themes (+master slides)
- Up to 2 pre-made themes (light & dark)
- Devices mockup
- Image placeholder
What`s inside the package
- Colored-Light theme template with 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts
- Colored-Dark theme template with 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts
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